Sunday, February 28, 2010


Nobody knows just why we're here

could it be fate or circumstance

at the right place,At the right time

two roads intertwine

and if the universe conspired

to meld our lives,to make us fuel and fire

then know where ever you will be

so too shall i be...

Close your eyes,dry your tears

'coz when nothing seems clear

you'll be safe here......

From the sheer weight of your doubts and fears

weary'll be safe here

remember how we laughed until we cried

at the most stupid things like we were on we belong

and though the world would never understand

this unlikely union and why it still stand

someday we will be set free

pray and believe....

When the light disappears

and when this world's insincere

you'll be safe here...

When nobody hears you scream

i'll scream with you'll be safe here...

save your eyes from you tears

when everything 's unclear you'll be safe here..

from the sheer weight of your doubts and fears

wounded heart...when the light disappears

and when this world's insincere

you'll be safe here....

When nobody hears you scream

i'll scream with'll be safe here

in my arms through the long cold night

sleep'll be safe here...

When no one understands

i'll believe ..

you'll be safe,you'll be safe...

you'll be safe here

put your heart in my hands

you'll be safe here......

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Staphylococcus is a bacteria.This particular bacteria is very often the cause of skin,stomach and blood infections.It is commanly found on the skin,but is easily disinfected with antiseptics or even soap and water--it is normally dealt with by the body immune system pretty easily,and as such is very hard to catch directly from another infected person.however,Staphylococcus can enter the body through any opening (including cuts) and find it's way into the bloodstream.Ingesting it in quality (through contaminated food,for example)is another means whereby it gains entrance.It is capable of multiplying very quickly.Even the smallest scratch can become infected and allow the bacteria to grow under the skin,where it will form pus filled sores (often boils)which can spread into the bloodstream.
Once in the bloodstream or digestive system,the bacteria can be life threatening as it will spread and multiply rapidly.
Staphylococcus infections are easily treated with common antibiotics.However,a form which was once found only in hospitals (MRSA),but is now widespread,is resistant to most known antibiotics and can only be treated with expensive spectrum antibiotics.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


My name is Azlinah.I'm from Papar.My father name is Abdul Latip and my mother name is Dg Aminah.I love them very much because they give me anything i want no matter what situation is.I have 12 peoples in my house including my parents.I had 2 brother's,4 sister's,2 younger brother's n 1 younger sister.Ialso love them very much because we can help each other's.I'm 7 from 10.That's about my family(my big family)

About my self.I'm a simple person.I love music very much and what types of music i like?i like country music,independent music and anything the best of song.If your want to know one of bad habit about my self is i like more stay at home than go outside,hang out.hehehe..